Increase tickets closed per technician by 20%

With a single click, a technician is presented with the most relevant solutions to that ticket from within your own data, including:tickets, configurations, documents, notes and emails, as well as the previously unsearchable fields in their tickets and time entries.

Cut ticket escalations by half

Technicians can fix many more problems themselves using the information presented to them by the CrushBank AI Engine, avoiding the need for escalations to more expensive resources. Those higher-level engineers can focus their time on the most challenging problems.

Improve client satisfaction

Increase knowledge about and familiarity with the customer’s environment. And solve the customer’s problem faster - reduce the 50% of a technician’s time that is spent looking for data.

Make new employees valuable immediately

AI can help organizations’ new technical hires get up to speed faster by harnessing the intelligence contained in past trouble tickets to resolve current user issues.

Hire more people or implement CrushBank

Turnover is averaging more than 35%, salary costs are increasing by 20% or higher, workforces are becoming distributed and customers’ needs are increasingly complex.

To address these issues without simply increasing headcount, you need to better leverage your support team. With CrushBank, technicians are presented with all relevant information for solving the client’s problem, on a single screen.

Get Resolution to Questions Before You Ask Them

CrushBank Resolve was purpose-built to help IT support teams respond more quickly and completely to user assistance requests and streamline the help desk workflow. Engineers view all of the tickets from their ITSM in a CrushBank dashboard.

Solve problems faster

CrushBank gives you access to every relevant answer to every system inside your existing workflow, before you even know what you are looking for. All your techs need to do is look! CrushBank streamlines help-desk operations resulting in fewer escalations to Level 2 and above.